Friday, February 15, 2008

The only thing better than the Crips and the Bloods...


[HT: Z]


Los said...

Ah yes, Crips-Bloods, East Coast-West Coast, Taste Great-Less Filling, Van Til-Keller

The line has been drawn, now choose wisely!!

Oh man I am a dork...

Greg Schnee said...

Dr. SML, thanks for putting our antics on your blog. I love keller and I love me some CVT. The great part about all this is that God continues to purify his bride and bring all thes big words down to earth with real life ministry. I have so much respect for both men. Few know that CVT even did some street preaching (thanks Dr. Frame), while Keller is the epitome of Kingdom in action. Much respect to both.

Anonymous said...

Dr Lucas,

I just finished reading "On Being a Presbyterian." It was an enjoyable read. It was helpful in answering my questions on PCA governance and history. As I have been in a nondenom for the past 15 years and am joining a PCA plant here in Stafford, VA.

One question: what is the thinking behind PCA Pastors not being members of their own church (I may not have the PCA lingo correct)? I have looked on the PCA website but was unsuccessful in finding an answer. Is it simply a business model? tradition? holdover from the itinerant preachers of old? Seems weird to me. Thanks. Semper fi


Vitamin Z said...

Dr. Lucas,

You are getting some Albuquerque love here. Carlos and I are currently enrolled in the ACCESS program too. Loving it. Covenant has been nothing but a blessing for me and I assume the other guys as well.

I have been meaning to ask you a question about ACCESS. Are they going to off Covenant Theology as an ACCESS course anytime soon, or do you consider Biblical Theology as an equivalent?

Anonymous said...

Nuttin' I like better than good "theology dork" humor. Only I call us "theology geeks," personally.