Sunday, February 24, 2008

"How to teach and preach 'Calvinism'"

John Piper gives excellent advice on how to teach and preach the doctrines of grace. Many of these points are sound pastoral practice; but the ones I appreciated the most were: "work the five points out from 'I' rather than 'U'"; "out rejoice your critics"; and "don't be strident, but gentle."


Benjamin P. Glaser said...

I wonder if one started with T and worked through L to get to I, U, then P how that would invariably help the Sinner hear the words of Grace?

Unknown said...

Joy and gentleness are vital aren't they. I tend to go it expository-style - kicking off with rejoicing the grace we receive in Christ at the end of Romans 8, and then to the anguish and sorrow of those who don't know grace (ch9) and into election...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we focused more on Christ and less on Calvin, if this would all be moot.