You know blog advertising (or "blogvertising") has gone a bit far, when you are reading a fairly sophisticated Reformed theological blog and the banner ad from Google reads, "Faith Baptist Church: Free to join. 1000s of pictures & of Beautiful Baptist Singles." Huh?
It sounds like they need to work on targeting the ads a bit more. "Faith Reformed Church. You've been elected to click here..." seems like the type of thing Google should have placed there. Of course, I have not been entirely pleased with the targeting quality of Google's AdSense system on one of my sites (although they do pay well enough).
That's a hilarious ad. One time I blogged about the "urban chicken movement" - a way to keep a small number of chickens for eggs - and anyway, my blog had agricultural ads for a week, and none of my readers clicked on them...
You can veto certain ads through Google - very early on, I vetoed the seventh day adventist ads. Anyway, the ads are helpful in paying for the time put into a blog and Google usually does a pretty good job of matching ads to content. But weird things happen. Today, my wife's blog has "Ann Coulter" ads on it because her first name is Ann, I presume. My wife is so apolitical that it is almost comical to see Coulter's airbrushed face up there on her blog...
Thanks, Jon; I laughed out loud about your chicken story; I'm surprised you didn't get ads for "urban chicks" as well! sml
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